Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Evenings ...

Lately the weather has been fine here, about 70F and sunny during the day. In the evenings I like to walk around the neighborhood while listening to music on my iPod. Then I often watch a DVD and after that read before going to bed.

Afternoons ...

In the afternoons, I generally brew up a pot of sencha tea and study Arabic and French for an hour or two. After that I cook dinner (we eat at about 3 pm). Then after dinner I often bike to the library to get CDs (and check my email since Becky's modem is busted).

Mornings in Brookfield

Interesting how quickly my days fall into a routine here in Brookfield. Mornings I get up and do yoga then, weather permitting, go for about a 10-mile bike ride on back roads. After that I try to do an hour or two of work around Becky's house, like painting her back porch, for instance.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Stocking Up

Well, you're due in from Vermont this evening so in preparation I've cleaned the apartment and stocked up on food. Looks like this will be the final posting for now. Signing off ...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lunch Time

Just like Dawn, I take a packed lunch with me into the office each day.

Tile Art

During my evening ramblings yesterday I came across this board that someone threw out. It looked to me like it was some kind of sample board that a store used to display ceramic tiles. I would have liked to take it to our apartment and have it mounted on a wall but it was, as you might imagine, quite heavy. Seems a shame to just trash the thing.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Central Souk

Around sunset I like to walk around and explore Abu Dhabi a bit. Last evening during my ramblings I was walking by the new Central Souk and decided to try the door. Lo and behold it opened! and I entered into an air-conditioned, dimly lit, oasis replete with free coffee and dates. I think my pre-judgment of the souk was harsh as it's actually a pleasant place. There's a new produce store already open, and a new Udupi restaurant on the way ...